Happy New Year!!! Oh, wait. It's March.
I remember when I had time to write about scarfing Cinnabons and making a feeble attempt to burn them off during workouts fueled by sick beats from a new iPod shuffle. Those sure were the days. I still do those things, but now I don't even have time to unclip my shuffle from my gym clothes...that bad boy went through the wash last week. Bust out the air fresheners! Prolonged muscle atrophy here I come...
Nah, the shuffle survived. Don't worry.
Taking pictures isn't something I do anymore either, so there's a good chance that when I'm 83 years old I won't remember one single thing about this winter except that I hung out with Natalie a lot and New Year's Eve parties are a great place for old roommates to catch up over a few strong drinks.
If I'm being honest, 2012 has been kicking my ass - for a lot of reasons. I won't get all Debbie Downer on you, but as an example of how random and unpredictable life has been, I conjured conjunctivitis mid-January. That's pink eye for all you slow folk. What 26 year-old gets pink eye?! Besides that I love to flick eye boogers at my office wall when I'm bored, it was terrible.
Of course, there have been bright spots. Like Fridays. I really love Fridays. And this is something I've never said before and probably never will again, but Valentine's Day has been the best day of the year so far. Feel free to throw up. Let's just say, I am completely smitten and homemade breakfast sandwiches are the way to my heart. Good chocolate never hurts either.
Speaking of love. My lovelies and I recruited a new lovely, with even lovelier hands. For setting. Having a real setter that hustles makes all the difference in the world. Kara, we love you and your hands. 4-on-4 Rec League Champs! Holla.
The best part is, I have a gazillion things to look forward to in the near future, starting with my first real vacation day in over a year coming up on Monday. Hellooooo, three day weekend. And in case you haven't been counting down like this girl, only 119 days till Hoopfest.