FACT: Before last week, I had not updated my iPod since August 2007.

I am proud to say that I have rejoined the world of music. Helloooooooooo, iTunes! It feels so good to be back. For Christmas, I got an iPod shuffle instead of the lump of coal I deserved (thanks, Janet), and Marc somehow managed to convince everyone he knows into buying him BestBuy gift cards to put towards a new iMac. Yay for new toys!

Let me just say, this whole iPod, iTunes, iMac synergism blows my mind, and has literally changed my life: I work out in the mornings now. Who am I?!?! I truly believe that one of the reasons I can actually get out of bed and go to the gym (gross!) instead of powering through ten pushes of the snooze button, is that I don't have to listen to my workout playlist from 2007 anymore! It is no wonder I have loathed the gym SO much. I can't even explain how excited I am for new music. Bye, bye "Ay Bay Bay!" :)

Feel free to tell me your favorite workout song(s), so I can pump it up like Arnold and use my muscles as a conversation piece, like someone walking a cheetah down 42nd Street.

One Response so far.

  1. I know it might sound weird, but my favorite workout tunes are select Evenescense and Linkin Park songs! They seriously get me going!! And the occasional Justin Timberlake song never killed anyone... :)

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