three years

October 20th. It's marked in my calendar as D-day, a sad reminder. How has it been three years? They say time heals all wounds, but I don't buy it. Anyone who has experienced loss will agree. Even now, as I write this, I miss Dugee, and the hole in my heart is just as big. Sure, the more minutes I put between myself and that day, the more familiar I get with life without him, but still.


An Air Raid and A Drive-by

Two weekends ago, I went to my very first Washington State football game. You know, the one where the Cougars were up by 14 points against Colorado with 8 minutes to go? And Mike Leach's air raid offense spiraled into a huge nosedive when it went for it on 4th down and threw an interception...instead of chipping an easy one through the uprights? No? Well, I saw it. I also saw an albino - and a


Eating Frogs for Breakfast

Being a grown-up is overrated. I find myself saying this a lot lately, and I shouldn't... even though it's entirely true. Or am I the only one who thinks this? I mean, if responsibility and bills are your thing, feel free to have mine. Anyway, since there's no getting around being a grown-up, I figured I should change my attitude. So I did. I started eating frogs for breakfast. And toads on Tuesdays.


A Change of Color

Fall. There's just something about it that captivates my soul. Maybe it's the return of all the rich flavors and scents, manifested as a cliche obsession with pumpkin spice lattes; the bittersweet bikinis-for-boots and sandals-for-sweaters exchange; saying goodbye to the grill and hello to the crockpot; the ageless Faith Hill ringing in a new season on the gridiron and funnel cakes at the


The Best Birthday Ever

As a little kid, I remember my dad asking me how old I'd want to be if I could only pick one age to be forever. I decided on 27. I don't remember the reason...I probably wanted to have boobs and a job (now, I just want a boob job)...or if there was any reason at all. Either way, I should probably start placing bets and playing the lotto because, based on how my birthday unfolded,


Game Seven

Tonight is Game 7 of the Lakers Nuggets playoff series. You probably don't care because "the NBA doesn't interest you." Well, I do. I will always be a Seattle Supersonics fan and am more than ready for Seattle to have a team again. Come on, GP, make it happen! But I have to admit, in high school, when I wasn't cheering for Detlef Schrempf and Shawn Kemp, I was crushing on all the Lakers players. Eddie


My Cheeks Hurt

The last time my cheeks felt like this, the pain meds from my wisdom tooth surgery were wearing off. Thing is, I can't stop smiling. Take Easter Sunday for example. No need for an alarm clock on this particular morning; after 40 long days without fast food, the thought of a McGriddle was all I needed to roll these lazy bones out of bed. I was on a mission! Hello golden arches. Hello seductive,


March On

Happy New Year!!! Oh, wait. It's March. I remember when I had time to write about scarfing Cinnabons and making a feeble attempt to burn them off during workouts fueled by sick beats from a new iPod shuffle. Those sure were the days. I still do those things, but now I don't even have time to unclip my shuffle from my gym clothes...that bad boy went



Another November has come and gone - far too quickly if you ask me – and I want to take a minute to reflect on all I'm thankful for. I tend to mistake life’s little luxuries as givens, but I know that I'm undeserving, and not everyone is afforded these same privileges.  I am grateful for a zillion things, but because there are 30 days in November, here is an abbreviated list (of 30 things)


Free As We'll Ever Be

I am ashamed to say that I have lived in Washington my entire life, and until last weekend, had never been to the Gorge. I've probably driven by it 499 times and peed in the Columbia River right below at least 100 times if that counts for anything? Actually, that just makes it worse, so nevermind. When I found out the Zac Brown Band was performing at the Gorge in September I squealed. And then in
